日時:2022年12月18日(日) 15:00~18:00
会場:立教大・池袋キャンパス12号館4階 経済学部共同研究室およびZoom
① Martin, Isaac William, Ajay K. Mehrotra, and Monica Prasad. “The
thunder of history: The origins and development of the new fiscal
sociology.” The new fiscal sociology: Taxation in comparative and
historical perspective (2009): 1-27.
② Martin, Isaac William. “The Political Sociology of Public Finance
and the Fiscal Sociology of Politics.” Journal: The New Handbook of
Political Sociology (2020): 484-512.
thunder of history: The origins and development of the new fiscal
sociology.” The new fiscal sociology: Taxation in comparative and
historical perspective (2009): 1-27.
② Martin, Isaac William. “The Political Sociology of Public Finance
and the Fiscal Sociology of Politics.” Journal: The New Handbook of
Political Sociology (2020): 484-512.